
The JD Transcultural Studies consists of two years of study, during which students with Kyoto University as their home institution need to earn at least 30 credits to qualify for graduation (a minimum of 15 at Kyoto University and a minimum of 10 at Heidelberg University; the remaining 5 can be earned at either university) .

After a basic introduction into the theories and concepts of a transcultural approach at Kyoto University, students will choose one of three study foci, and deepen their understanding of transcultural theories and methods during their second semester.

Students relocate to Heidelberg, Germany for their second year. During their last semester, they prepare their thesis under the supervision of academic staff from both institutions. The program completes with the successful submission of a master thesis in English in accordance with international academic standards.

Model Curriculum

1st Semester, spring term (at Kyoto University)
Introduction to Transcultural Studies: Lecture Series and Tutorium
Research Skill and Language Training
Introductory and Study Focus Seminars

2nd Semester, fall term (at Kyoto University)
Study Focus Seminars
Research Skill and Language Training

3rd Semester, spring term (at Heidelberg University)
Study Focus Seminars
Research Seminars and Colloquia

4th Semester, fall term (at Heidelberg University)
Study Focus Seminars
Research Colloquia
Thesis Preparation and Submission

Course Syllabus and Year Abroad

Please find detailed course descriptions here.
Regarding your year at Heidelberg University, please find general information, practical tips and addresses here.