Seminar Series on Open Access Publishing for Journals of Kyoto University (in Japanese)[update]


This three-session series of seminars reconsiders the significance of university-published journals such as Diamond Open Access (OA) and teaches about the open-source tools available to improve their sustainability and reputation.

Sessions: May 30, June 27, July 25

Continue reading “Seminar Series on Open Access Publishing for Journals of Kyoto University (in Japanese)[update]”

Intensive Lecture Course : Learning the Power of Observation (2024/7/30-2024/8/5)

The Transcultural Studies Division holds an intensive lecture course entitled “Learning the Power of Observation” (Foundation I – Seminar (VMC)), taught by Filmmaker, Kazuhiro Soda on July 30-31 and August 1-2 and 5.

In this intensive course, he will explain how and why he takes his particular approach to documentary filmmaking, covering all phases of filmmaking from filming to editing to marketing. It will give students an opportunity to learn how a documentary filmmaker thinks and works. Examining actual day to day problems he faces, students will also learn and study various issues around documentary, such as ethics, economics, reality vs fiction, subjectivity vs objectivity, etc. At the end of the course, each student must write and submit a final paper which discusses such issues analyzing my films and methods.

Date & Time: July 30-31, August 1-2, 5 10:30-12:00, 13:15-14:45, 15:00-16:30
LocationLecture Room 9, Basement Floor, Research Building No.2 (Map㉞)
Language: English and Japanese


Welcome all students who are interested in cinema and media studies.

Prior registration is required.
Click here to register.

If you have questions about it, you may contact Prof. Mitsuyo Wada-Marciano at wadamarciano.mitsuyo.6w[at]

Documentary Film Screening :Red Maria 2 (2024/6/21)

Professor Mitsuyo Wada-Marciano will hold a screening of documentary film, Lee Kyung Soon’s Red Maria 2 (2015) .

Date & Time: June 21, Friday  15:00-18:00
LocationBasement Meeting Room (地下1階会議室), Faculty of Letters Main Bldg.
Language: Korean (English Subtitles)
Free to all

If you have questions about it, you may contact Prof. Mitsuyo Wada-Marciano at wadamarciano.mitsuyo.6w[a]

Please find the poster here: PDF

Lectures for the 2024 Spring Semester

The Transcultural Studies Division will offer four lectures in June. We have invited four researchers who specialize in film and music to give these lectures.

“Women in Cities: Comparative Modernities and Cinematic Space in the 1930s”
Catherine Russell
Professor, Mel Hoppenheim School of Cinema, Concordia University
Date & Time: 2024/06/03 (Mon), 13:15-16:30
Location: Lecture Room 3,Faculty of Letters Main Bldg.

“Itinerary of a Melody: Transnational Journey of Popular Music from Japan”
Lauri Kitsnik
Assistant Professor, Department of Asian and North African Studies, Ca’ Foscari University
Date & Time: 2024/06/14 (Fri), 13:15-16:30
Location: Basement Meeting Room (地下1階会議室) Lecture Room 3, Faculty of Letters Main Bldg.

“Precocious Modernism, Queer Homosociality, and Mou Tun-fei’s The End of the Track”
Chang-Min Yu
Assistant Professor, Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Taiwan University.
Date & Time: 2024/06/18 (Tue), 15:00-18:00
Location: Lecture Room 9,Basement Floor, Research Building No.2

“Beyond the Auteur: The Diversity of Korean Independent Cinema of the 2010s”
Marc Raymond
Professor, Department of Communication, Kwangwoon University
Date & Time: 2024/06/20 (Thu), 15:00-18:00
Location: Lecture Room 9,Basement Floor, Research Building No.2

Further Information

Queer Cinema Forum 2024

The Transcultural Studies Division holds lecture series “Queer Cinema Forum 2024” conducted by Prof. Mitsuyo Wada-Marciano.

The 2024 Transcultural Cinema Forum will focus on queer cinema and examine the boundaries that create many of the dichotomies depicted in cinema, such as heterosexual/homosexual, gay/lesbian, male/female, normal/abnormal, common sense/uncommon sense, Japan/other regions. The word “queer” is generally regarded as a pejorative term that has the potential to hurt others, but at the same time it is a powerful keyword that can shake up our own notions of normality. By situating “queer” and/or “queerness” at the center of our discussion, this course will examine the possibilities and limitations in our societies.

Through Queer Cinema Forum 2024, we will not only learn about the blurring of “boundaries,” the narrative of imagination and its instability, but also consider the universal questions and doubts that abound in our everyday lives. Why do we discriminate against each other? What is the purpose of our lives when we know we will eventually die? What does it mean to be happy? What must we do to improve society? Through the discussion of queer cinema, we will expand our thinking toward fundamental questions of identity formation.

Date & Time: April 16, 23, May 7, 14, 21, 28, June 4, 15:00-18:15
Location: Lecture Room 9(講義室9), Basement Floor,
Research Building No.2 (総合研究2号館)
Language: English
Free to All

Please find posters here: PDF

Philosophical Expressions: Indian Philosophy in Japan and China at the Turn of the Twentieth Century

Tetsugakudo Park(Philosophy Hall Park)

This presentation examines the development of philosophy as a global discipline, focusing on the early 20th-century integration of Indian philosophy into Japan and China.
Date & Time: 2024/03/29 (Fri), 16:00-17:30
Location: Faculty of Letters, Lecture Room 2

Continue reading “Philosophical Expressions: Indian Philosophy in Japan and China at the Turn of the Twentieth Century”

Kyoto-Heidelberg-Strasbourg Workshop 2024

Transcultural Flows of Diversity

Every year in February or March, the Graduate School of Letters sends a student delegation to its European partners in Strasbourg and Heidelberg to learn about exchange possibilities, participate in joint workshops, and get to know fellow students. This program is organised by the Division of the Joint Degree Master of Arts in Transcultural Studies, a collaborative degree program of Kyoto University and the Heidelberg Centre for Transcultural Studies (HCTS). Graduate students in this program also join the workshops.

Continue reading “Kyoto-Heidelberg-Strasbourg Workshop 2024”