Scripts, Languages and Buddhist Scriptures

Course Type: Seminar
Study Focus: KBR
Term: Spring

Teacher: Tao PAN

Course Code: JK09001

This course is designed for the study foci “Knowledge, Belief and Religion” (KBR) and “Visual, Media and Material Cultures” (VMC) and consists of the following three parts:

I. Scripts and Writing Systems
II. Languages and Words
III. Translation Studies of Buddhist Scriptures

Course Information

Module: Focus 1 – Foundations
CATS Requirements: MA 1st year or above

Day/Period: Wed/5
Location: Sem. 6
Credits: 2

Course Goals

Based on the theories of Transcultural Studies, this course offers numerous concrete examples for transculturality in the textual and linguistic aspect as well as from the perspectives of creation and dissemination of knowledge and interaction between diverse agencies on the macroscopic scale.
Investigations on the microscopic scale, on the other hand, are concerned with how the formative and transformative processes result in certain cultural manifestations in the spheres of writing systems, construction and transmission of registers as well as translation studies of Buddhist scriptures.

Course Schedule and Evaluation

For a detailed course schedule, please visit KULASIS.

Assessment will be based on class performance (50% = attendance 20% + one presentation 30%) and final assignment (50%).

To JDTS/MATS students: This course can be taken as either reduced (4 ECTS) or full seminar (8 ECTS). Please indicate your ECTS requirement to the teacher.