Basic Research Skills (Tutorium)

Course Type: Seminar (Tutorium)
Study Focus: Foundations
Term: Spring

Teacher: Björn-Ole KAMM
Course Code: JK06001

This course introduces useful and essential skills for academic research to new JDTS students.

Besides providing essential academic skills (using citation systems, finding topic-related literature in the Kyoto University and Heidelberg University library and electronic databases, time management, and good scientific practice), the course will also prepare the students for preparing and giving good presentations and writing seminar papers within the JDTS program, including practical advice on formalities and layout. The main questions we will address are: Where and how do I find literature for my presentation and term paper? How do I prepare and give a good presentation? What does a term paper look like? What makes a good term paper? What needs to be included in a term paper? How do I quote correctly and create a bibliography? How to manage my time efficiently?

Students will learn about an adequate use of IT and AI tools. The course features introductions and practice sessions for various academic software tools, including zotero/Juris-M for bibliography management and MaxQDA for coding and analyzing data, be it literature or interview and fieldwork texts.

Course Information

Module: Introduction to Transcultural Studies
CATS Requirements: MA 1st year or above
Link to course material on PandA.

Day/Period: Wed/4
Location: 2演/Sem. 2
Credits: 2

This course is mandatory for all first-year JDTS students. Please bring your own laptop to each class session.

Course Goals

Students will acquire basic academic skills for conducting research and obtain necessary expertise for preparing good presentations and term papers.

Course Schedule and Evaluation

For a detailed course schedule, please visit KULASIS or the PandA platform.

Every participant is expected to carry out his or her own small research project and give a short presentation in the course. The course involves weekly reading and writing assignments as well as a final term essay.